We are looking for more team members!

What does our team work on?
Feel free to look through the projects we have worked on and currently are developing on this website. This should give you a good insight into the projects we have done so far and our goals. If you still have some questions after that – contact us!

What are we looking for?
People who are passionate about space/rocketry. We don’t offer scholarships or credit points just like most other student rockery teams in Europe, the main thing we offer is the ability for you to work on projects that simply don’t exist anywhere else in Latvia and the ability to meet and learn from like-minded people. People with some technical background (Mechanical, Software, Electronics) are preferred and most importantly you must be ready to learn and be hardworking. You don’t need to be an RTU student to apply but you must live close to Riga so you can make it to the team workshops. Your success is entirely dependent on your willingness to continuously learn and contribute to our team’s objectives.

How do I apply?
If you would like to join our team please fill out the Google form below. The team leads will evaluate your application, and if you are chosen, we will contact you and schedule an interview.